In the 1800’s plantations slaves had a whole different name, which was field hands. Their jobs were much longer than other slaves; they had to pick cotton and plants. From sunrise to sunset they spent hours working. Besides working in plantations, some slaves worked in factories while others were construction workers on canals and railroads. Slaves were creative people, they weren’t able to receive a good education but they were able to increase their craft working skills, learn how to work riverboats, etc. As I said blacks weren’t given any type of education, the white owners didn’t want them to learn how to read or write because they believed that it might help them or encourage them to run away. I believe that it wasn't fair for slaves, they worked hard and they deserved to at least have something to entertain them during their free time. Life back was just so unfair, plantation owners were just greedy and selfish people.
hey that was intresting!